7 Day Eat Local Challenge — Salt & Soil Marketplace
Eat Local Challenge Web Image.png

Join us for a culinary celebration of place . . .

September 20th - 26th 2021

Join us in celebrating the abundance of Southeast for our second Eat local foods challenge.

Friday the 17th - Sunday the 19th - PREPARE and PLAN by loading up your freezer, fridge and pantry with any necessary local staples. Shop local at your local retailers, farmers markets, and directly from local producers.

Monday the 20th - Sunday the 26th -

For this year’s Local Food Challenge, we challenge YOU to eat as local as possible for 7 full days, AND help us share the story of how we can collectively strengthen our region’s food system. One lucky person who participates ALL SEVEN DAYS will be randomly selected to receive a $50 gift card to the Salt and Soil Marketplace.

Here’s how to enter:

  1. Follow @saltandsoilmarketplace on Instagram and Facebook
  2. Check the SEAK Local Food Facebook page each day and post or email a photo of your local meal AND answer the daily challenge question. Submissions can be posted directly on the Facebook page or emailed to localfoodschallenge.seak@gmail.com
  3. One winner will be randomly selected each day to receive a gift from Salt and Soil Marketplace in the mail.
  4. Participate all seven days to be eligible for a $50 gift card from Salt and Soil Marketplace to be randomly selected at the end of the challenge.
  5. Use the hashtag #locafoodschallengeseak and spread the word!