Vendor Resources — Salt & Soil Marketplace

Resources for selling local food

Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Cottage Food Page: Go here to find both general and detailed information about cottage foods, starting food businesses, alaska business licences, and pretty much everything related to being a local food vendor.

Do you want even more information relating to specific food busineses? Check out the DEC's "More..." page.

The Food Corridor resources page: This page is full of value for small food businesss looking to scale up, get information, resources, and even funding!

All Vendors

Certified Naturally Grown. A certification to sustainable farmers and beekeepers, providing an affordable and transparent option for organic producers. Salt & Soil prefers and chooses to work with farms who participate in this great program!

Juneau Area Local Produce Demand Analysis Want to know what produce is both in demand and grows well in Southeast? This is a good place to start.

Market Demand Study for SE Produce Read this to learn what local market demand for specific crops are, and plan your growing and pricing accordingly.

How do I price my produce? A excellent and short read on how!


Cottage Food Vendors

Cottage Food Fact Sheet: Read this for a quick overview of cottage food laws.



Direct Marketers Business Resources Guide

There are numerous tools and resources available to fishermen interested in direct or alternative marketing of their catch. A comprehensive guide to these resources was developed for Salt and Soil and can be found here.


Flash Frozen Marketing Toolkit and Seafood Resource Manual

The Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association created this toolkit to help seafood producers, processors, and sellers share information on the advantages of flash frozen seafood, helping to establish or diversify their businesses. Check out the toolkit here. Learn more about the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association.



In partnership with the Alaska Longline Fishermen's Association (ALFA), ASFT has worked to support initiatives that help fishermen to start and maintain successful fishing operations. Check out their programs.


Best practices for egg vendors: Follow these to make sure your eggs are produced and maintained with the highest quality and food safety standards in mind.