Welcome to the Local Food Challenge — Salt & Soil Marketplace
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Together we can make Southeast Alaska's local food system more resilient.

Are you up for challenge?

Food is more than just what we eat. It's about where it comes from and the connections it creates between people and places along the way. Join us on a journey to explore and transform Southeast Alaska's food system by being part of the Local Foods Challenge.

As a participant in this Challenge, we ask you to deepen your involvement in the local food system by cultivating and elevating your personal knowledge, skills, and connection to the local food system within your community.

Here’s how it works

1)    Sign up using the button below.

2)    Take a survey to assess your involvement in 10 distinct categories of the local food system.

3)    Check your email for newsletter updates. From May to September, you will be challenged each month to deepen your connection to the local food system by increasing your level of engagement for each category. The more levels you go, the more resilient our food system will be by September. At the end of the challenge, we will tally the progress of all of the challengers to discover how much we collectively shift our food system's resilience.

You will be at different levels with each category, and over the course of this summer, you will increase your knowledge, skills, and engagement with each of them in ways that are meaningful and relevant to your life. Set realistic, specific, meaningful goals.

  • Check out our Resources page for downloadable tracking sheets, helpful tips, and excellent sources of information to get you started.

  • Check your email twice a month for announcements, inspiration, tips. our Calendar of Events for upcoming opportunities.

  • Receive invitations to virtual monthly skillshare workshops, virtual meet-ups

  • Engage in monthly mini-challenges, and share your success stories.

  • Nominate local foods experts who can share their knowledge and skills with others, and we will connect them to learners in their community.

  • Follow us on social media updates and reminders.

Together we will forge a resilient, prosperous, and healthy Southeast Alaska.

Questions? Email us at localfoodschallenge.seak@gmail.com or on our Facebook page

During registration, reflect on what level you are at with each food system category.

During registration, reflect on what level you are at with each food system category.

Using the above graphic - assess where you are for each of the ten categories.  The goal for the summer is to level up one step for each category.

Using the above graphic - assess where you are for each of the ten categories. The goal for the summer is to level up one step for each category.

Questions? Email us at localfoodschallenge.seak@gmail.com or on our Facebook page

The Local Foods Challenge is taking place on the ancestral and unceded territories of the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian Peoples. We recognize the deep ways of knowing and relationships with local foods held by the Indigenous Peoples of this region, and are grateful for their stewardship of these lands and waters since time immemorial and today. Gunalchéesh, Haw’aa, Nt’oyaxsn, Thank You.